News – Nick at TimeGate Convention in Atlanta

TimeGate is an annual Doctor Who and British media and culture convention in Atlanta, USA. Launched in 2005, the convention hit its 10 year anniversary in 2015 with special guests Katy Manning and Michelle Gomez. Joining TimeGate this year from 27 to 29 May to celebrate 20 years of the 8th Doctor, is the eighth doctor himself, Paul McGann along with Terry

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News – Nick going to WHOFEST 2 in Irving, Texas: April 24–26

WHOFEST 2 and the Irving Invasion, April 24–26 2015. 2015 guests include Sixth Doctor – Colin Baker, Sixth Doctor companion Peri – Nicola Bryant, Davros from the 1984-1988 classic series  – Terry Molloy, the new series voice of the Daleks, Cybermen and other monsters – Nicholas Briggs, and Big Finish Productions Executive Producer – Jason Haigh-Ellery. There will be panels,

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