Coming next in The Benji and Nick Show, the boys have been watching Sapphire and Steel, a British science fiction fantasy TV series broadcast on ITv from 1979–1982. David McCallum stars as Steel and Joanna Lumley stars as Sapphire, two interdimensional operatives who appear to be engaged in guarding the continuing flow of time. They
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The Benji and Nick Show – Commentary: Death to the Daleks (Episode 1)
Benji and Nick provide you with a commentary on the 1974 Doctor Who story Death to the Daleks (Episode 1). Jamie Anderson features – in his car. Email them at
Continue reading »The Benji and Nick Show – Commentary: Death to the Daleks (Episode 1)
In the next The Benji and Nick Show, Benji and Nick provide you with a commentary on the 1974 Doctor Who story Death to the Daleks (Episode 1). Other topics may also be discussed. Email them at
Continue reading »20th Anniversary Big Finish Day
Big Finish is celebrating its 20th anniversary with a very special Big Finish Day being held on 22nd June 2019 at QUAD in Derby. Big Finish Day gives you the chance to meet the creators and stars of the many worlds of Big Finish and to catch up on any releases you may have missed. Includes
Continue reading »The Benji and Nick Show – TV and Emails 3
Benji and Nick are looking through your emails and chatting about what they’ve been watching recently. Stan and Ollie features, along with The Twilight Zone, Star Trek, The Beiderbecke Affair and The Orville. Email
Continue reading »The Benji and Nick Show – TV and Emails 3
This week on The Benji and Nick Show, Benji and Nick are looking through your emails and chatting about what they’ve been watching recently. Stan and Ollie features, along with The Twilight Zone, Star Trek, The Beiderbecke Affair and The Orville. Email
Continue reading »The Benji and Nick Show – Tenko
Benji and Nick are chatting about the much-loved Tenko, but they may get into trouble! WARNING! Beards also feature. Email them at
Continue reading »The Benji and Nick Show – Tenko
In the next The Benji and Nick Show, the boys discuss Tenko, a television series co-produced by the BBC and the Australian Broadcasting Corporation and broadcast from 1981–1984. Tenko dealt with the experiences of British, Australian and Dutch women who were captured after the Japanese invasion of Singapore in February 1942. Held in a Japanese
Continue reading »The Benji and Nick Show – Twitter
The Benji and Nick Show now has its very own Twitter page! So do give them a follow:
Continue reading »The Benji and Nick Show – TV and Emails 2
Benji and Nick are chatting about what they’ve been watching recently (including Star Trek Discovery, The Solarnauts, The Orville and The Sandbaggers). They’re also reading out your emails ( and announcing a competition winner.
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